A context guide to generative AI for unions

Generative AI tools are being introduced into workplaces across all sectors and, whether officially or informally, will be being used inside many trade unions too.

Tools such as ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot offer potential for increases in productivity in many common tasks. But at the same time, the hype around generative AI has obscured a range of potential limitations, societal harms and organisational risks.

This background paper is designed to introduce some basic concepts around generative AI, to support trade unions that are considering engaging with the technology. It’s something we had requested by unions taking part in our first workshop on AI earlier this year.

We’ve included a glossary and a discussion of risks, as well as potential use cases and some suggested ways of working with the technology.

By necessity, it’s only a superficial commentary on a hugely complicated field. We’re keen to hear how unions are putting these technologies into use, and the kind of results they’re able to achieve – so please do get in touch!

Download the report