For the second TUC Digital Lab workshop, we brought together colleagues from 14 union organisations to help us identify good practice in union digital campaigning.
Continue reading Campaigning to win with digital: TUC Digital Lab workshop reportCategory: TUC digital
Developing social video at the TUC
We’ve been doing some work at the TUC to improve our own social video output. The digital comms team got together recently to take stock of what we’ve learned and where we’ll go next, and we thought it could be useful to share more widely for other unions looking into their work in this area.
Continue reading Developing social video at the TUCHow to make the most out of Facebook and Twitter for your union
TUC digital comms experts Riz Hussain and Scott Gilfillan took part in this webinar on 15 May, to discuss how trade unionists can use features on social media to organise, network and campaign. You can watch it here:
Continue reading How to make the most out of Facebook and Twitter for your unionPrivacy by design: Keeping union digital projects data safe
What is ‘Privacy by design’?
‘Privacy by design’ is the mindset we need to adopt when designing any data collection that involves personal data.
It’s about being proactive and thinking about the rights of individuals and how you can protect those rights by keeping their data safe.
Continue reading Privacy by design: Keeping union digital projects data safeWelcoming new members to our unions: TUC Digital Lab workshop report
The first TUC Digital Lab workshop (Friday 26th April) focused on using digital channels to welcome new members to our unions. Colleagues from different roles across 14 unions came together for a three hour deep-dive into the issue.
Continue reading Welcoming new members to our unions: TUC Digital Lab workshop report8 principles for union digital transformation
At the TUC Digital Lab, we seek to develop solutions for the union movement, in the most sustainable and effective way. These are the 8 principles we try to follow in our work (v1.0).
Continue reading 8 principles for union digital transformationA Digital Lab for the union movement
Technology is transforming pretty much every area of our economy and society. Digital is now the mainstream choice for day-to-day interactions, raising expectations and making new choices possible every day.
Adapting to this new environment is crucial for any organisation that wants to continue to exist, let alone thrive. The TUC Digital Lab aims to help unions do just that.
Continue reading A Digital Lab for the union movementUnion innovation in Denmark – HK Lab
Mathias Askholm co-leads HK Lab, an ambitious innovation project at Denmark’s HK union that is helping the union and its members adapt to the implications of technological change. He joined us for a seminar at the TUC to talk about union innovation – this blog is a summary of the presentation he gave.
Kick-starting the union: BECTU VFX recruitment pilot
BECTU (the entertainment industry sector of Prospect) worked with TUC Digital in late 2017 to pilot a new way of joining a union for the London Visual Effects (VFX) sector.
Read on to find our more about what we did, what happened, and some of the useful lessons we learned as part of the pilot.
Continue reading Kick-starting the union: BECTU VFX recruitment pilotIntroducing Megaphone UK, the TUC’s new online campaign platform
We’re excited to be taking the next step in our work supporting unions’ online campaigns this week. Our 3 year old Going to Work campaign platform is about to transform into Megaphone UK, a revitalised campaigning platform for unions.
The platform allows for unions to start and run their own petitions and email actions, with support from the TUC digital team. It’s faster and easier than before, with unions gaining greater flexibility and control of messaging. Continue reading Introducing Megaphone UK, the TUC’s new online campaign platform